2020 Long Term Care Catalogue

M edical M art can help you by providing the warehouse space to store your supplies. In addition, we’ll rotate the stock frequently to ensure that all items are usable if and when you need them. Medical Mart can store any of the following supplies for your facility: Medline/Medical Mart can help you by providing the warehouse space to store your pandemic supplies. Products are skidded a d stored specifically for your facility with quick and easy access to the product should an outbreak occur. Medical Mart can store any of the following supplies for your facility: PANDEMIC STORAGE PROGRAM M edical M art can help you by providing the warehouse space to store your supplies. In addition, we’ll rotate the stock frequently to ensur th t all items are usable if and when you need th m. Medical Mart can store any of the following supplies for your facility: M edical M art can help you by providing the warehouse space to store your supplies. In addition, we’ll rotate the stock frequently to ensure that all items are usable if and when you need hem. Medical Mart can store any of the following supplies for ur facility: • Isolation gow s • Gloves • Bouffant caps


• Isolation gowns • Gloves • Bouffant caps • Isolation gowns • Gloves • Bouffant caps

• Shoe covers • Face masks • Other

• Shoe covers • Face masks • Other • Shoe covers • Face masks • Hand Sanitizer • Isolati n go ns • Gloves • Bouffant caps • Shoe covers • Face masks • Other

“Ideally, all stockpiles will contain essential supplies in addition to antiviral drugs.” (World Health Organization. WHO pandemic influenza draft protocol for rapid response and containment—27 January 2006. http://www.who.int/csr/disease/avian_influenza/guidelines/RapidResponse_27%2001.pdf. Accessed March 15, 2006.) “Ideally, all stockpiles will contain essential supplies i addition to antiviral drugs.” (World Health Organization. WHO pandemic influe za draft protocol for rapid response a d containment—27 January 2006. http://www.who.int/csr/disease/avian_influenza/guidelines/RapidResponse_27%2001.pdf. Accessed March 15, 2006.) “Ideally, all stockpiles will contain essential supplies in addition to antiviral drugs.” (World Health Organization. WHO pandemic influenza draft protocol for rapid response and containment—27 January 2006. http://www.who.int/csr/disea e/avian_influenza/guidelines/RapidResponse_27%2001.pdf. Accessed March 15, 2006.) “Ideally, all stockpiles will contain essential supplies in ad iti n to a tiviral drugs.” (World Health Organization. WHO pandemic influenza draft protocol for rapid response and containment—27 January 2006. http://www.who.int/csr/disease/avian_influenza/guidelines/RapidResponse_27%2001.pdf. Accessed arch 15, 2006.)

Talk to your Medical Mart representative today about Talk to your Medical Mart representative today about saf guar ing the supplies you’ll need in the unfor unate event of a global pandemic. Knowing your stockpile is safe means one less thing to worry about…the y u can focus our attention on other important rts of your preparedness plan. safeguarding the supplies you’ll need in the unfortunate event of a global pandemic. Knowing your stockpile is safe means one less thing to worry about…then you can focus your attention on other important parts of your preparedness plan.

Talk to your Medical Mart representative today about Talk to your Medline/Medical Mart representative today ab ut safeg arding the supplies you’ll need in the unfortunate event of a glob l pandemic. K owing y ur stockpile is safe means one l s thing to worry about...then you can focus safeguarding the supplies you’ll need in the unfortunate event of a global pandemic. Knowing your stockpile is safe means one less thing to worry about…then you can focus your attention on other important parts of your preparedness plan.

your attentionon other important parts of your preparedness plan.

Web www.medimart.com Email cs@medimart.com

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