Long Term Care Catalogue
Lotion Enhanced - Helps moisturize for skin health.
Single-Hand Dispensing ® - By combining pop-up folding and a special lid design, a Caregiver with one hand, can pull a single unfolded washcloth each time, adding convenience and reducing waste. PRE-MOISTENEDWASHCLOTHS Lotion Enhanced - Helps moisturize for skin health. Single-Hand Dispensing ® - By combining pop-up folding and a special lid design, a Caregiver with one hand, can pull a single unfolded washcloth each time, adding convenience and reducing waste. Vitamin E & Aloe - Promotes skin health and reduces dry irritated skin.
Soft & Strong - Each washcloth is designed with super soft and strong fabric for easy cleaning and less waste. Vitamin E & Aloe - Promotes skin health and reduces dry irritated skin.
Press-n-Pull Lid - Is a one touch design and features First Quality’s ultra convenient Single-Hand Dispensing ® . Soft & Strong - Each washcloth is designed with super soft and strong f bric for easy cleaning le s waste.
Hypoallergenic - Minimizes the likelihood of an allergic response by reducing or eliminating potentially irritating substances. Press-n-Pull Lid - Is a one touch design and features First Quality’s ultra convenient Single-Hand Dispensing ® .
901-WW-810 . . . . . .Unscented Soft Pack with Press-n-Pull Lid, 12” x 8” . . . 12 packages of 48 (576ct.) 901-WW-710 . . . . . .Scented Soft Pack with Press-n-Pull Lid, 12” x 8” . . . . . 12 packages of 48 (576ct.) Hypoallergenic - Minimizes the likelihood of an allergic response by reducing or eliminating potentially irritating substances.
Attends pre-moistened washcloths have a reclosable lid on a soft convenient pack. Spunlace washcloth includes aloe to moisturize and soothe the skin. Gentle alcohol-free cleansing formula prevents irritation. Hypoallergenic for delicate or sensitive skin and no rinsing necessary. Available in scented or unscented.
767-WCPP1000 . . . . . . . . Scented 9” x 13” - 48 Pack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Case/12 Pkg 767-WCU48 . . . . . . . . . . .Unscented 9” x 13” - 48 Pack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Case/12 Pkg
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